Thursday, June 3, 2010

Technical Difficulties

The only problem with recording every thought in one notebook is that when the notebook goes missing, so do the thoughts.
I had two blog posts written out in the notebook, as well as an outline of the presentation we have to create of our travels. I've looked high and low, and even on the airline's online lost and found bin, and my green notebook is nowhere to be found. So we'll have to start from scratch here, and find some original thoughts to finish out my record of this trip.
And once that's all said and done, (written and done?) I get to decide what to do with this blog. Once the traveling part has quieted down, is there enough interest in the Tales of a Librarian who dosen't go very far for me to keep this up? But I get ahead of myself. First we must think our original thoughts...

1 comment:

  1. I'd totally keep reading... even after the travel tales are done. :)
