Friday, May 7, 2010

The days are beginning to blur together, and I can't even remember what we did two days ago with out going back to the schedule. Though we've happily included coffee breaks into our days, we are still on very tight schedules most days.
I've spent the last couple of days spoiled with my computer hooked up to a very fast internet connection. I managed to get a lot of work done for that real life I left behind, but still don't feel caught up. We move again tomorrow, and return to that scary place where internet access is questionable.
This is the half way point, and there have been some slight changes in our behaviors. We'll ask for a break more often, and we're not necessarily as excited for every activity as we've begun to repeat some experiences and almost know what to expect on some days at least. Though every club we meet is as energetic and eager as the first ones, we've lost a little of that drive that keeps us running from one activity to the next. We are still enjoying ourselves immensely, just at a slightly slower pace. Korean phrases are coming a bit easier to the tounge--at least 'hello' and 'thank you'. The whole experience is wonderful but draining. We meet new people evey day, and a whole new family hosts us every 4th day. Moving that often almost ensures we will leave things behind, or misplace something in the wrong piece of luggage, so there are countless searches for socks, toiletries and the other necessities of life.
There are plenty of things I miss about home. My husband being the first, along with the rest of my family, and of course the cat. But I also miss full sized towels (Koreans use what Americans consider hand towels for everything) and beds with some give to them (Korean beds are only slightly softer than sleeping on the floor) and being able to read menus and order my own coffee. Being at the halfway point is a strange place--I know I will miss home more in these next two weeks, but it's easier to see the end point. Some of the other team members I'm traveling with have expressed an interesting in coming back, perhaps to teach for a year ot something similar. I, however, have been appreciating home as much as this new world I've been introduced to, and will happily stay put for a bit once I return.

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